
Recommended Websites



The publisher a broad range of many excellent books and of mine.  Therefor they are the very first on my list of recommended websites. Cedar Fort also markets DVDs, accessories, and other fine products. 



“FairMormon is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of LDS doctrine, belief and practice.”  The organization is staffed with devoted LDS volunteers who answer questions of anyone who visits their website.  The website also has numerous educational articles to read.  Many of the topics focus on LDS history and scriptures, but articles about science and religion are included.

BioLogos Foundation


Francis Collins, after writing his best-selling book, “The Language of God”, received so much correspondence asking about his theories that he decided to create an organization to answer all the questions.  He formed BioLogos - Bio meaning “Life” and Logos meaning “The Word” (John 1:1).  Their mission statement is, “BioLogos invites the church and the world to see the harmony between science and biblical faith as we present an evolutionary understanding of God’s creation.”

Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/biologosfoundation/

God of Evolution


From their website, “God of Evolution was created by Tyler Francke in April 2013 as an accessible, colorful and often humorous “middle ground” between militant anti-theism and militant young-earth creationism.  GOE is dedicated to the simple proposition that Christianity can be everything the Bible says it is, and evolution can be everything the evidence says it is, without the two coming into savage conflict.  Though longing for ultimate unity in the church, GOE forcefully opposes those religious groups and individuals who teach that accepting evolution or reading Genesis any way other than literally makes you a second-rate, “compromising” Christian.” 

Science and Religion Today


This website gathers essays, book reviews, Twitter feeds and other social media stir about science and religion and posts them for interested persons.  There is also a long list of recommended websites that delve into a number of debates around science, religion, cultures, philosophy, etc.