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Speaking Appearances

Having been a church youth leader for many years, I understand the hesitancy in asking a speaker to visit and talk to a group of youth about science and religion.  It has been a sensitive and controversial subject in the church.  Let me assure you, my talks are oriented to both presenting truth and strengthening testimonies.  Contention and controversy are not allowed.   But our youth need to hear an approach that balances science and religion, not denies one or the other.  An outline of my talks is as follows:

1)      Review of the history of the science and religion debate – Earth Rotates around the sun, age of the earth, Darwin & evolution, the Big Bang theory.

2)      The church doctrine in regards to evolution is strict neutrality.  Though there are quotes by various apostles in support of both sides of the debate, our prophets have established that the church is neutral on the subject.

3)      Thus, the beliefs of church members range from fundamentalist creationists to evolutionists.  There are good arguments against being on either extreme, which I will present.  The beliefs of many members lie somewhere between those two extremes.  Church youth should understand the strengths and weakness of both sides and each be able to make an informed decision.

4)      There are more science vs. religion topics than just the age of the Earth or evolution.  The more recent debates revolve around genetics research, such as cloning, stem cells, and genetic selection.  I will briefly address these issues, define the new philosophy of bioethics, and stress the need for continued discussion and understanding on these topics.  But we have learned much from our past science vs. religion debates.  We can use those learnings to arrive at ethical conclusions that balance our religious faith and scientific realities. 

5)      Science reveals the “how” of the universe and life.  Learning how God created and maintained life helps to know Him better.  God’s methods are elegant and awe-inspiring.  Understanding them should increase your testimony, not detract from it.

Please send me an e-mail at if you would like to ask about a speaking engagement.  Thank you.